Warning about forgery
THOMAS SABO stands for lifestyle products of the highest quality and innovative design. For us to continue providing you with the very best quality, we kindly request that you adhere to certain criteria when purchasing our products online. You will only be able to purchase THOMAS SABO goods in proven quality via our main Website www.thomassabo.com and from our official online partners. The Store Finder section of our Website provides information on our official points-of-sale. Our authorized partners are clearly identified by direct links to their respective online shops. Unfortunately, our company is frequently featured by dishonest Internet dealers on dubious Websites offering counterfeit goods. To this end, these Websites frequently resemble our official THOMAS SABO Website and even feature our name in their Internet address to trick users and online purchasers into believing they are bona fide. Nevertheless, they have nothing to do with our main Website www.thomassabo.com Furthermore, check for correct grammar and spelling in the online shops. Extreme price reductions and deviations from the original product prices also tend to point towards potential counterfeits. As a company, we are actively fighting these dishonest Internet dealers, working in close collaboration with international customs to uncover and immediately confiscate counterfeits. These measures are designed to protect our customers as the counterfeit goods are cheaply-made plagiarisms, produced without any quality checks and which frequently result in harmful side effects.