

The luxurious items in the THOMAS SABO Fine Jewellery Collection provide unforgettable moments and make the wearer smile whenever they are worn. THOMAS SABO exclusively uses diamonds that have been certified in accordance with the so-called Kimberley process.


The aim of the Kimberley process is to prevent the trade in so-called blood diamonds by using an international certification system. Blood or conflict diamonds are smuggled diamonds whose proceeds contribute towards financing wars. In most cases, they are illegally mined and sold in conflict regions.


Kimberley process: rules and regulations for signatories


All countries that have signed up to the Kimberley process are only permitted to trade rough diamonds with other signatories. To this end, each individual diamond must include a valid Kimberley certificate confirming that it comes from a conflict-free source. The signatories must carry out stringent and detailed checks to ensure that no blood diamonds enter the legal trade in diamonds. Currently, 80 countries have signed up to the Kimberley process.



Kimberley process: the background


The Kimberley process was initiated in 2000 by governments, non-government organisations and the diamond industry, with the relevant countries meeting for negotiations in the South African town that gives the process its name, Kimberley. The triggers for this initiative were the civil wars in Africa, financed in part by illegally-mined diamonds. These conflicts are to be alleviated as a result of the efforts initiated by the Kimberley process.


You can find more information on the Kimberley process Website.